Thursday, February 17, 2011

Are we coming to end of the diagnoses journey?

After my last post I had seen the Specialist who had informed my husband and myself that she was diagnosing me with MS or Multiple Sclerosis.  It was not a huge or terrible shock to us, we had heard those words before 4 years earlier with the first positive Spinal Tap, so we plowed forward to make plans to get "our proverbial ducks in a row".  I made an appointment with my Family Dr. and requested that he order all the test that the Neurologist would need to make his diagnoses, so I would walk in his door with everything in hand.  My Family Dr. has always worked under the assumption that I had Fibromyalgia, because when I entered his practice I had just been diagnosed with that from a reputable Rheumatologist.  As we sat there discussing the looming appointment he was looking through all my past medical records and he said he agreed with the previous Dr's opinion, he was diagnosing me with MS as well.  He had never seen all the evidence laid out before him, because we had always assumed it was the Fibromyalgia.  Once he saw the 2 positive Spinal Taps and he already knew my symptoms, he agreed immediately and ordered the tests.

So now I have 2 DR.'s that have diagnoses me with MS and I my test scheduled.  My Spinal Tap is this Friday Morning, yipppee!!!!!  The The full scale MRI's are the end of the month.  Most people don't understand when my husband Greg and I say this is an answer to prayer.  I mean "How in the world can a chronic debilitating disease be an answer to prayer?"  It is really quite simple.  I have been ill for over 10 years and to FINALLY be so close to an actual and REAL answer, is the end of my journey.  Well maybe that is not worded correctly.  It is not the end of my journey, it is really the beginning of a really BIG, NEW journey.  This journey though I will have some support through it (besides my husband who has NEVER wavered).  I will have the medical community treating SOMETHING, instead of chasing phantoms.

So where are you in your journey this week???  Any changes in your condition?  Remember to leave notes in the comments section for communicating with one another.

Gentle Hugs-
